health consequences of climate change
Federal Environment Ministry provides advice on the health effects of climate change
Bonn: Environmental State Secretary Juergen Becker at an international Conference on Preventive Measures against climate change is our top priority. A quick adaptation to changing conditions is necessary and possible. "
given the opinion of Dr. Srdan Matic, coordinator of the Environment and Health of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organisation (WHO). "During were the last two decades, reported in the WHO European Region 112 000 deaths due to natural disasters, climate change is contributing to an increasingly frequent occurrence of heat waves, floods and droughts in, resulting in an additional burden on health systems and societies. "
target carried out by 21 countries The conference is to better cooperation between international, national and regional activities and the creation of faster communication structures.
Dr. Paul Becker, vice president of the German Weather Service (DWD), said. "Even the summer of 2010 proved to be a season of extreme storms, floods and heat often remain without consequences for the health of an intensive exchange of experiences between experts. science, management and the people who have to adapt in their daily work to the new conditions can save lives. "
When jointly by the Regional Office of WHO, the DWD, the UBA and BMU conducted international Conference "Climate change, extreme weather events and health" will be discussed health risks of extreme weather conditions.
A few facts about the turbulent climate events of 2010:
The Storm "Daisy" returned in January, a snow chaos. The low "Xynthia" the end of February was also accompanied by strong hurricanes. Here in Germany, seven people were killed. Not to mention the great heat wave in Germany in July, with temperatures up to 38 ° C, which was replaced by intense rainfall in August. The extreme rainfall in some places led to severe flooding. So on the Neisse River and the river Spree. Many rivers swollen , and brought serious harm to families and their homes, for local infrastructure and the economy. Extreme weather such as the Omega weather in August also have a global character, if you look next to the flood damage in Europe are still much more damage in Pakistan.