It is very warm and I feel so defenseless, after we in Schleswig-Holstein, mother and now are fatherless.
I look forward to the first SH-election campaign, now I can vote, too, if I am not incapacitated before, because the selection is terrific.
I could finally have to choose between cooking pig's cheek and Sahra Wagenknecht's mother, now is the funny, big teddy Carstensen and the German carrier flies and chief Twitterer Ralf Stegner to choose from. And I do not know which is worse.
Carstensen I might do well to present in the Palatinate, then just not on the fucking Kiel Week, but uffm Bad Deerkeemer Worschtmarkt and not with beer in hand, but then fall in Schoppe-white glass. Fits perfectly with his Brasig but also to Schleswig-Holstein, I could not choose white as ever this "funky" Simonis, the crazy chicken.
Mr. Stegner, however, is the prototype of the modern SPD Poltikers. Rooted in the work of the 19th Century, including matching terms, Agenda 2010 and mostly negative in the test, the Left Party to overtake on the left.
it who cares: Here an argument with Fritz Kuhn and Thomas Leif. As a woman Nahles had injected him the 99 most important SPD-phrases. The good man Encyclopedia well, certainly not private, high notpeinlich politically, it is so modern and the SPD can anyway use every voter and it was only a fake Facebook account.
PS All the best Mr. Stegner, I hope the appointment with the dentist was not too bad.
If time allows, I still like to introduce myself to the choice. First order of business:
abolition of the Kieler Woche, ban on all Kiel and in the adjacent areas, fish sandwich stalls on the keel line, branch sensible doctors for humans and animals, travel ban on people from the districts of Plön Rendsburg, availability of pasta flour in all Kieler supermarkets, opening times of retail trade to Western standards ..... Sounds good.
I look forward to the first SH-election campaign, now I can vote, too, if I am not incapacitated before, because the selection is terrific.
I could finally have to choose between cooking pig's cheek and Sahra Wagenknecht's mother, now is the funny, big teddy Carstensen and the German carrier flies and chief Twitterer Ralf Stegner to choose from. And I do not know which is worse.
Carstensen I might do well to present in the Palatinate, then just not on the fucking Kiel Week, but uffm Bad Deerkeemer Worschtmarkt and not with beer in hand, but then fall in Schoppe-white glass. Fits perfectly with his Brasig but also to Schleswig-Holstein, I could not choose white as ever this "funky" Simonis, the crazy chicken.
Mr. Stegner, however, is the prototype of the modern SPD Poltikers. Rooted in the work of the 19th Century, including matching terms, Agenda 2010 and mostly negative in the test, the Left Party to overtake on the left.
it who cares: Here an argument with Fritz Kuhn and Thomas Leif. As a woman Nahles had injected him the 99 most important SPD-phrases. The good man Encyclopedia well, certainly not private, high
PS All the best Mr. Stegner, I hope the appointment with the dentist was not too bad.
If time allows, I still like to introduce myself to the choice. First order of business:
abolition of the Kieler Woche, ban on all Kiel and in the adjacent areas, fish sandwich stalls on the keel line, branch sensible doctors for humans and animals, travel ban on people from the districts of Plön Rendsburg, availability of pasta flour in all Kieler supermarkets, opening times of retail trade to Western standards ..... Sounds good.
"John Wayne's not dead - he's frozen And we find a cure for cancer when
, we're gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off You
know why? ? You ever taken a cold shower Well, multiply that by 15 million
times - that's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be. I'm gonna get the Duke and
Casavetti John and Sam Peckinpaw and a case of fuckin 'whiskey and drive ... "
, we're gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off You
know why? ? You ever taken a cold shower Well, multiply that by 15 million
times - that's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be. I'm gonna get the Duke and
Casavetti John and Sam Peckinpaw and a case of fuckin 'whiskey and drive ... "
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