On appeal the plaintiff, the defendant under the 2nd Amendment of the Judgement Civil Chamber of the District Court sentenced Bad Kreuznach from 25/06/2010 to issue to the plaintiff, the Ford Rimor Motorhome with the vehicle identification number WFO7XXTTF77C70030.
covered the costs of the proceedings the defendant to load.
The decision is provisionally enforceable.
The defendant declined to avert the foreclosure of the plaintiff against security in the amount of 37,000 EUR, unless the applicant provides equivalent security.
The revision is not approved.
I. The applicant hired as part of his trade on 24.03.2009, which he owned mobile home to a woman, the one presented in the name of Sch, denominated identity card. Soon after, the vehicle that was following the argument of the plaintiff a minimum of 31,000 EUR worth offered on the Internet by entering a phone number for 24.500 EUR for sale.
The defendant started on 01.04.2009 by phone about this offer and inspected the car the following evening stood with her husband on a Mosel parking, on the other campers. In a second meeting, on 03.04.2009 around 19.00 clock on another nearby car park was held, the defendant concluded a written contract with the provider. This was it, click as before under the name of the applicant. He was told to be police officers. The purchase price was agreed at 24,000 EUR. The defendant paid him in cash. She received a set of keys, which operate with the ignition and the toilet and the bike depot could be opened. Correspondence for the safe key did not fit. In addition, the seller handed a registration certificate II (vehicle registration) from under the presentation of the defendant, the vehicle then ummeldete up. It later emerged that this certificate fake was.
The plaintiff took the defendant having regard to its ownership position to release the motor home to complete. The defendant argued in good faith acquisition. This legal defense is considered valid by the district court and rejected the request of the applicant. In his view, the seller seemed the key and the certificate of approval legitimizes II art.
turns the other hand, the plaintiff in his desire to renew the appointment. He says that the defendant, driven by the idea that a purchase may well below the market value of vehicle offered, had acted extremely critical. The equipment handed over keys were shown incomplete and the usual documents like the Registration Certificate I (vehicle license), the board manual and the maintenance record had ever been missing.
the appeal results in cancellation of the contested ruling and the popularity of the action. Contrary to the opinion of the District Court of the plaintiffs contested the ownership of the vehicle has not lost to the defendant so that he is entitled
in § 985 BGB reasonable right to restitution.
1.The first instance decision already met in their legal approach, a property acquisition of the defendant from
§ 932 BGB derive, weighty doubts. The provision
of § 932 BGB regulates the sale by an unauthorized person. She has an eye on the situation in which simulates a person not entitled to be owner of a thing, and has made this Sellung out. Of which differs from the present case. However, the seller of the mobile home had no power to transfer property, so he acted as a person not entitled. But he did under the name of the applicant, by pretending to be called Bernd W. and thus be the person to whom the registration certificate was issued II. This gives the event a special character:
course, the use of another's name does not matter if the opponents of the business Name is irrelevant and he basically just important for us to transact with the person who is confronted. Unlike the situation is, however, where he is interested in completing the transaction with the namesakes. In this case, to represent legal rules go to the application so that the agent is not, as it requires §
932 Civil Code, a proprietary business makes, but as a mere representative acts, although it lacks the representation will (
BGHZ 45, 193 , 195; BGH World Cup 1990, 1450, 1451 [BGH 06.07.1990 - III ZR 155/89
]; Palm Erman, BGB, 12th edition, § 164 para 8)..
That was precisely the situation in which the defendant was located. For it was essential to close with that of a pledge contract to which the registration certificate II was, because only he was legitimate enough as the owner and the acquisition of another person in its validity is questionable to be had (BGH
NJW 2006, 3488 , 3489 [BGH 13.09.2006 - VIII ZR 184/05
]). Therefore, the seller gave his declaration of intention on behalf of the applicant (OLG Dusseldorf NJW 1985, 2484; Ellenberger Palandt, BGB, 69th edition, § 164 Rn 11;. A. A. OLG Dusseldorf NJW 1989, 906 f.; Oechsler Comment in Munich, BGB, 5th edition, § 932 para. 63), so that a transfer of title whose authority presupposed (§ 164
para 1 BGB). An authorization has been issued but never, and they can be produced even after the appearance of condoning or rules. To this extent a transfer is ruled out on the defendant from the outset.
2.Wählt you a different perspective and goes - by concedes the defendant that she did not want to buy primarily from the registration certificate II registered person, but by the person who came towards her as the seller - from the basic applicability
of § 932 BGB is to deny a transfer of ownership, however, as well. The defendant was in fact not in good faith, because their view that the seller was the owner of the motorhome, based on gross negligence. There was tangible evidence that spoke against the opinion of the defendant.
However, the seller could submit the registration certificate II. This represents only a minimum requirement for a bona fide purchase, it by no means guaranteed (BGH WM 1956, 158, 159; BGH
NJW 2006, 3488 , 3489 [BGH 13.09.2006 - VIII ZR 184/05
] Wiegand in Staudinger, BGB, 2004, § 932 para. 140). This is all the more so because the defendant did nothing to inquire about the identity of the seller and the registered holder to satisfy the coach. To the detriment of the defendants argue a number of circumstances, the suspect had to be justified and the term, the seller is the owner and acts in good faith, be as to a considerable extent seem frivolous:
a) over the registration certificate II also were no papers presented to the vehicle. The defendant, neither the registration nor the certificate I have submitted a maintenance log book. The keys were incomplete. There was basically only one set, and the safe was not open at all.
b) the seller told to stay in Saarlouis. He led the mobile home but not there but in Kobern Gondorf. This was further from Saarlouis as the residence of the defendant. The fact that been the vehicle to a nearby camping area would have, had not seen. Had this been so, it could have been easily there, instead of offering it in a parking lot. Choosing a meeting place of residence was far more surprising than the seller said he was a policeman and had to work soon.
c) gave rise to suspicion and the apparent level of education of the seller: From a police officer would actually have been expected that he mastered the basic rules of orthography. In this respect, had a surprise that the few hand-written formulations the seller in the contract form was full of errors inserted. It likes the spelling "FAhRADTREGER" (instead of bike carrier) and "GESenDED" (sent) instead of being perhaps have been more acceptable. Completely incomprehensible, however, was the number twenty-four writing as "Fierundzwanzieg.
d) Despite these suspicions, the defendant did nothing to verify the information from the buyer in any way. She checked neither the accuracy of the information provided nor does it address therein for a landline phone number at which they would have the control to call. There were no bank account, which would have been used to pay the purchase price and displayed would that money actually came from the person who was mentioned in the contract and emerged from the registration certificate II. Instead, let the defendant to a payment mode in which the recipient did not need to be identified. This was even more unusual when it came to a very high amount.
3.Vor this background can not be certified in good faith. Doubt that had to force themselves on any reasonable buyers were pushed to the satisfaction of the Senate in an effort to make a good business. Instead of - as a cheap rated - purchase price to take the opportunity to judge the honesty of the seller's critically objectively existing warnings were ignored by gross negligence.
III. Accordingly, the appeal has
success, and the defendant has to bear in accordance with §
91 paragraph 1 sentence 1 ZPO the costs of the dispute. The statement on the provisional enforceability is based on § § 708
No. 10,
711 ZPO.
reasons for the leave to appeal are not available. The - as far as can be seen, so far not responded to the superior court - whether the unauthorized sale of a motor vehicle under the name of the registration certificate holder II indicated by substitution rules, or pursuant to §
932 BGB must be judged is not decisive.
appeal in dispute: 31,000 EUR