Thursday, February 17, 2011

White Strand In Feces


After just over 4 years, 144 posts, 9378 visit, and only very few comments I have decided not to maintain this blog on.

I started it in 2007 under the illusion that my writing could influence the way people see the issue of cycling in any way positive. At times I have written only the frustration of the soul. After I left Munster to work for HP Velotechnik be added on to the topic of bicycle policy in Munster, of course, nothing did. I am committed here at the Taunus not for cycling, because consciousness is even less available than in Münster. Since this aspect so omitted, there is a danger here incoherently to report misconduct by other road users. I do not think anyone ever read something like / fun for me / something brings.

Many bike themes also overlap with my profession I would like to completely let the outside before.

I will of course continue cycling, continue to make in my humble frame-lobbying, but this blog is no longer part of it. Maybe will come in place of it Liegeradblog, you be surprised if and when something happen in any form is.

The three most common words in the 4 years were:

"emsauenradweg" - Das Ding interessiert doch wirklich kein Schwein

"hb-c051-d" - Ein Nabendynamo...prima

"es kann der frömmste nicht in frieden leben" - Ein Ausspruch von Schiller, auch prima

Ihr seht, wieviel das Bloggen letztendlich gebracht hat

Ich wünsche meinen Nachbarn Andreas und Jan alles Gute und mehr Zeit/Freude am Bloggen, als ich sie in den letzten 2 Jahren hatte. An meine Leser und Kommentatoren vielen Dank. Wer mit mir in Kontakt tretenmöchte, kann dieses per Mail an gerne tun.

Machts gut...



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