Driving under "traffic law relevant "Influence of Cannabis drugs may have to revoke a license for the episode. (Administrative Court of Koblenz on January 13, 2004 -. Az 7 A 10206/03 OVG)
Transport legally relevant is" the use of drugs to the judge, under two conditions:
a) First, must the consumer while driving at least one nanogram of the primary active ingredient of cannabis have THC per milliliter of blood.
b) also would have cannabis-related impairments occur, such as a slowed pupillary adaptation, the impact on the safety of road transport would .
b) also would have cannabis-related impairments occur, such as a slowed pupillary adaptation, the impact on the safety of road transport would .
replaced by a blood test, the driving license office is usually a message. The license agency will make the blood analysis report available. From the expert's findings on the blood levels of so-called active THC as well as from the set of the possible presence of THC breakdown products leads the driver licensing authority then the other from the measures under consideration as such can be considered.
- the withdrawal of his license or
- the arrangement a medical-psychological assessment (MPU)
- or arrangement a medical report
The driving license authority in particular whether "regular " or "occasional use" of cannabis present. Depending on whether it is relation to the decision of the Authority on whether the cannabis consumer is suitable for driving a motor vehicle in traffic.
is the case of "regular use" of cannabis, cannabis consumers in No. 9.2.1. Appendix 4 relating to the license-regulation is not suitable for driving a motor vehicle in traffic. Regular use of cannabis in Sense of section 9.2.1 of Annex 4 to the driving regulation sets a pre daily or almost daily consumption (VGH Mannheim - Decision of 26.11.2003 - 10 S 2048/03 and VGH München - Order of 03:09 .2002 - 11 CS 02.1082).
For "occasional use" of cannabis in No. 9.2.2. Appendix 4 relating to the license-regulation of cannabis users only suitable for driving a motor vehicle in traffic. The concept of random revenue within the meaning of § 14 paragraph 1 sentence 4 FeV requires an repeated cannabis use ; a one-time consumption ranges this is not enough. existence of a sufficiently specific grounds for suspecting the existence of the additional elements in the sense of section 9.2.2 of Annex 4 to the driving license regulation, such as lack of separation between driving and cannabis use and the extent of cannabis use, a license holder's unclear, maps, driving regular basis to produce a medical opinion to, see: VGH Mannheim, decision of 29.09.2003 - 10 S 1294/03 .
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